Environmental management & sustainability

At Eura we are committed to minimizing our environmental impact throughout all of our operations. Over a number of years we have successfully embedded our environmental policies into our processes and we continue to be proactive in bringing further improvements to our performance to ensure we play our part in meeting national environmental goals.

Leadership, Management & Innovation

We recognise that, as well as direct effects on the environment arising from the management of our own facilities and our employment practices we can influence projects and policies through the advice and services we provide to our Clients. We are committed to continual improvement in our environmental performance and to pollution prevention.

For both our own practices and in the advice we give we will comply with all applicable local, national and international environmental legislation and regulations. We will keep copies of the principal items of legislation in controlled and structured systems. Where no directly relevant legislation exists we will take account of relevant environmental policies and proposed legislation in framing our policies.

We intend to continually improve our environmental performance, ensuring our training and policies are up to date, that our employees and practices follow those policies, and in the process seeking to positively influence our clients and subcontractors.



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